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Social Distancing: 10 Tips for Staying Motivated and positive + Cute Outfit Inspo to Look Forward to!

Mei Vintage

Posted on March 31 2020



Let's face it. It's a strange time of uncertainty as the world continues to adjust to a new normal. Whether you call it quarantine or social distancing, people around the country are being asked to stay home and minimize their contact with the outside world. The goal? To flatten the curve. But isolation can be hard. Take this time to slow down, look inward, stay connected with your loved ones and stay positive. Here are a few tips to help you feel less alone and manage this lockdown better:


1. Keep a routine

Don’t treat this as a vacation. While it may be tempting to change things up (AKA get lazy), a routine is essential. Try and stick to regular wake-up times, commit to structured “office hours” or “school hours”, shower, get dressed, etc. Overall, try to keep your days consistent with how they were before. This will allow you to preserve some sense of normalcy!


2. Stay connected

Remember that you’re not in social isolation. Stay connected! You can still text, call or even have virtual happy hours and dinners with your family and friends. It’s actually more important now than ever. Simple check-ins will serve as reminders that we are not in this alone, reduce anxious feelings and keep us all sane!


3. Go outside

If you aren’t showing signs of being sick, you can still enjoy the outdoors - as long as you practice safe measures, of course (6 feet apart)! Walk to your grocery stores, get in the garden or simply take a stroll through your neighborhood. The fresh air and sunshine will do wonders for your physical and mental wellbeing.


4. Exercise indoors

Focus on your health by eating well, drinking enough water and moving each day. No gym? No problem! Get creative and make up your own exercise routines with what you have available or follow along with videos online. There are several national studios offering streaming services for free - whether you like pilates, boxing or something in between. Here’s a great list!


5. Start your spring cleaning

It is spring after all! Use this opportunity to do some big cleanouts and establish some space and organization in your life. Those chores you’ve been putting off for a while? There’s no excuse not to get to them! Maybe it’s your garage, closet or kitchen you’d like to add some order to. If you’ve already Marie Kondo-ed everything, here’s a really fun article from Remodelista on how to transform your refrigerator without using plastic!


6. Support local restaurants and your community

Now is the time to show some love to your favorite local restaurants who are likely struggling. To remain open, many are offering carryout and delivery services and special meal deals. Check websites highlighting your local areas and social media accounts to find out more and consider purchasing gift cards for future visits! Chefs for America is another good cause if you consider to give back or want to volunteer by supporting those who are struggling with hunger.


7. Catch up on shows

With entertainment like going to concerts and clubs being out of the question, the couch and tv are getting more use than ever. Our advice? Get comfortable and binge without guilt! Start a new series or rewatch some of the classics. Netflix Party is a great way to do so and “hang out” with your friends (well, sort of) simultaneously. Pretty neat!


8. Learn something new

Use some of the extra free time you have on your hands productively. Find a topic or skill of interest and get learning! Many prestigious universities such as Harvard, Yale and the University of Pennsylvania are offering several of their online course for FREE! This will likely never happen again, friends. Here’s a list of over 500 classes to take advantage of!  


9. Turn off the news

While it’s important to stay informed, it’s way too easy to get sucked into obsessively checking for updates (we’re all guilty). So, take occasional breaks from social media and the news when things start to feel overwhelming. Instead, fill your mind with uplifting and inspiring information. Consider picking up a book or going through old photo albums.


10. Look on the bright side

On the same note, optimism is key right now (and moving forward). Try and stay in good spirits and encourage others too as well. Simple ways to do so could include talking about your feelings (rather than ignoring them), doing favors for others, keeping a daily gratitude journal or practicing mindfulness and meditation.


Bonus Tip: Plan ahead and look forward to the future (in style!)

See this as a great chance to think about the future and get excited about reconnecting with your gal-pals, visiting your favorite places and seeing the world buzz again. Putting together outfits can be a fun and stress-relieving way to do so! For this reason, we’ve rounded up some style inspiration for the warm weather ahead (and one of the best seasons). Let’s daydream together about that first Sunday brunch or outdoor festival we’ll attend. Cute, right? 

Spring Summer 2020 Style

Outfit inspiration from American made designers: 1. Amour Vert dress | 2.Sophie Monet earrings |  3. Anthropologie Headband  |  4.Glossier makeup |  5. Coclico flats  |  6. Mei Vintage Tote


With all of this being said, keep in mind that things could be so much worse than sitting at home. Sure, it’s far from ideal, but things will get better soon.  Chin Up! Clear sky ahead! Just hang in there and take it day by day! 



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